Since 1993, area residents have been turning to the South Central Iowa Community Foundation to make their philanthropic giving as effective as possible.
Individuals, families, businesses and organizations create permanent charitable funds that help our region meet the challenges of changing times. The foundation invests and administers these funds that help our region meet the challenges of changing times.
SCICF-Union County Advisory Board gives back on Giving Tuesday!
Greater Connections $500 endowment grant
Greater Connections Childhood Development Center received a $500 grant from a drawing held at the SCICF-Union County grant writing workshop. Winner, Barb Coenen, selected the winning endowment fund!
Sarah read to the East Union Kindergarteners & each child received 3 books! Thank you Sarah and the rest of the SCICF-Union County Advisory Board!
East Union Kindergarteners receive books!
Union County 30th Anniversary Grant
SCICF-Union County awards Union County Conservation with a $30,000 grant for appliances & furnishings for 2 new cabins!
Life Jacket Loaner Station Three Mile Lake
Small animal cages - Union County Fairground
Union County Board Members
Erik Niggemeyer
Sarah Long
SCICF-Union County Advisory Board Members
Erik Niggemeyer, Judy Hopkins, Dannie Stephens, Rhonda Giles, Peg Anderson & Sarah Long. Meggen Weeks & Jake McGehee not pictured